Born 4th Nov 2004, 10.31 am.
3.25 kg, 48 cm (HUGE BABY!!)
Suppose to be a happy occasion but my sis having serious complications. She lost lots of blood and the doctor nearly cut off her uterus. She's bleeding real bad, she's under observation. If she's still bleeding heavily, they might remove her womb. My sis will be in ICU for a couple of days.
Baby boy has respiratory problems because the doctor had difficulties getting him out and he swallowed blood. He's in the Special Care Nursery where he's under observation. I managed to sneak in to look at him. (only parents and grandparents are allowed in) He's a big boy, can easily passed off as a month old baby. I managed to take a snapshot of him using my handphone (even though visitors have to technically switch of their handphone.) Baby will be fine and will be able to go to the normal nursery tomorrow, so I'm planning to take lots of photos :)
My sis has yet to see her son since in the delivery room. Pity her, she's so weak. She was telling me she was conscious but numb from the ribs down so that she can see the birth of her son. She was telling me that her blood was all over floor and the doctor kept yelling for more towels to contain the blood. She took 4 bags of blood in the OT, 2 in the afternoon and planning for another 2 tonight.
Judging from this situation, baby will be discharged way ahead from my sister. We are hoping that she will stop bleeding heavily soon. If not she has to remove her womb. In any case, she still has to undergo another surgery to remove her fibroid. The doctor showed me a photo of the fibroid taken when she was delivering. The fibroid is still in the body and the doctor used her hand as a gauge, placing it beside it. The fibroid is as big as her hand!!
I thought baby boy looked like my second nephew. My first sis commented that he looked like a Singh. Baby boy's father still in shock and can't believe that the baby is his because he doesn't looked like any of the parents.